(270) 821-8294


Industry of the Month: High Tech Chrome Plating, Inc.

The Madisonville/Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation announced today that   High Tech Chrome Plating, Inc., with operations in Madisonville, has been named Industry of the Month for August in the Economic Development Corporation’s program for enhanced focus on Existing Industry.

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Industry of The Month: B&K Wood Products, LLC

The Madisonville/Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation announced today that   B & K Wood Products LLC, with operations on Sawmill Road, has been named Industry of the Month for July in the Economic Development Corporation’s program for enhanced focus on Existing Industry.

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Industry of the Month: J-Lok USA

The Madisonville/Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation announced today that J-Lok USA, with manufacturing facilities in Earlington has been named the inaugural Industry of the Month in the Economic Development Corporation’s program for enhanced focus on Existing Industry.

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Service Pins Awarded 1/21/2014

Service Pins were awarded at the January 21, 2014 Fiscal Court meeting.  Recipients were: Jeremy Crick - Sheriff's Department 15 Years, Denise Huddleston - Sheriff's Department 5 Years and Lydon Logan - Sheriff's Department 15 Years.

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